Electro Voice 611 Mic Repair

Electro Voice Mercury 611 Mic - With New Center Portion
Finished Electro Voice 611 microphone (for now)

I recently refurbished and old Electro Voice 611 microphone. It has a ton of pitting and had been neglected for quite a while. After buffing and polishing it, it became clear that the black plastic enter portion of the mic that holds the microphone cartridge was falling apart. I scanned the back of the front piece of the mic and then traced it in Adobe Illustrator (you could use Inkscape as well). With the file I created I was able to laser cut new pieces out of red acrylic plastic.

Electro Voice Mercury 611 Mic - Mic Capsule in New Center Portion
New laser cut plastic inner portion from the mic side
Electro Voice Mercury 611 Mic - Mic Capsule Mounted
New laser cut plastic inner portion from the back side
Electro Voice Mercury 611 Mic - Replacement and Original Center Portion
The replacement plastic pieces that I cut using a laser cutter
Electro Voice Mercury 611 Mic - With Crumbling Original Plastic Center Portion in Hand
The buffed and polished mic before replacing the crumbling black plastic, in hand
Electro Voice Mercury 611 Mic - With Crumbling Original Plastic Center Portion
The buffed and polished mic before replacing the crumbling black plastic